Our PHILOSOPHY is to provide the highest quality education and care to enhance the development of the children and to provide an environment to support families and their diverse and changing needs.
We believe that:
Every child is unique and should be respected.
Parents/Guardians/Families are the primary caregivers and that we will work in partnership with them to complement the care they provide.
Children deserve consistently high quality education and care.
The rights of the child are paramount.
The program should provide opportunity for both play and early/middle childhood education in a meaningful and enjoyable environment.
Our GOALS and VALUES include:
- Providing a safe, stimulating and secure environment.
- The development, implementation and regular review of policies to guide our work and to ensure consistency and stability in the program.
- The provision of experiences which enrich the learning and development of each individual child encompassing Belonging, Being and Becoming (LDC) / My Time, Our Place (OSHC), as characterised through The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
- Ensuring that the program highlights the importance of play-based learning.
- The continued development of written programs which are planned, implemented and evaluated to meet the needs of the individual children and the group as a whole.
- The employment of professional staff who have a commitment to on-going professional learning and self-appraisals.
- The employment of suitably qualified and experienced educators with a sound knowledge of early childhood / middle childhood development.
- An environment which fosters a positive attitude and effective communication between all concerned.
- The opportunity for parents to have a commitment, offer support and be involved with the program to whatever extent they wish.
- The provision of an environment which provides high health and safety standards.
- An environment which promotes and fosters high nutritional standards.
- An environment which promotes sustainability through water conservation, recycling and the use of natural resources.
- The development of an understanding and respect for key social issues such as:
gender equity,
integration of children with additional needs,
multiculturalism and
environmental awareness.
- We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders as the traditional owners of our land and are committed to reconciliation.
- An ongoing commitment to the National Quality Framework as a tool for ensuring that ongoing high quality education and care is provided.
- Adherence and promotion of the ideals of the Australian Early Childhood Association Code of Ethics and the UN Convention on The Rights of The Child.
Our POLICIES are written as a foundation to guide our work. We periodically review and update these policies to ensure:
that they reflect current professional thinking and trends
that staff re-familiarise themselves with the purpose and content
that families are given the opportunity to offer input
and to offer a reminder to develop new policies as necessary.
Old policies are reviewed and new ones formulated in a variety of ways:
- in the newsletter
- by displaying current ‘Focus Areas’
- through displays on the Family Noticeboard
- through ideas contributed in our ‘Suggestion Tree’ at reception (LDC) and ‘Suggestion Book at reception (OSHC) or through discussions with families.
Please take the time to read these policies and practices and to contribute your comments. We aim to develop the program in partnership with families.
All the policies can be found in the Policy Folder located at reception. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with them, in particular:
- Behaviour Management
- Program Planning
- Medication Administration
- Accidents
- Illness in Children
- Emergency Procedures
- Hygiene
- Immunisations
- Summer / Winter Protection
- Collection of Children
- Parental Concerns
If you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the Director or Nominated Supervisor; however within the Policy Folder you will find information regarding Family Concerns, please read this for more information about seeking help. This includes information about contacting the Education and Care Unit of the Education Department (contact details are also available on the noticeboard).
All complaints about the service or care provided will be treated professionally, in confidence and with the upmost importance.